What you need to know to make a show

12:00pm - 1:30pm EST
Registration Closed
So you want to make a podcast. You’ve got an idea you think is golden. Now what? How do you take it from plan to reality? And, should you?

This interactive lecture will cover the basics you need to know. Everything from what makes a good show and formats that work (Daily? Weekly? Chat show or pre-produced?) to varying production and ownership models to how you assemble a team.

During this masterclass, veteran podcast showrunner Dan Bobkoff will walk you through the changing podcast landscape and explain the terrain: big companies buying up little ones, the rise of platform-exclusive podcasts, paid subscriptions and more. He’ll also cover other key ideas new podcasters need to make a show: how shows make money, financial pitfalls to avoid, how you create a budget, and the best ways to pitch to potential partners. Then once you get your show off the ground, how do you build an audience? Finally, Dan will discuss how to handle intellectual property if your show gets adapted into another format like a book, TV show or film.

You will be emailed a link to the workshop two hours before it begins. 

**Registration for this workshop will close at 10 a.m. ET, on Tuesday, Feb. 22.**

About Your Instructor

Dan Bobkoff

Dan Bobkoff is an experienced podcasting showrunner, host and reporter. He served as the executive producer of podcasts at Axios, where he oversaw two daily shows and created the hit How It Happened. He led the audio department at Business Insider, where he developed and hosted Household Name (later known as Brought to You By…). Bobkoff has been a reporter at NPR News, and his work has appeared on Marketplace, Planet Money, and 99 Percent Invisible. He covered the 2008 election from Ohio and was part of NPR's team covering the Boston Marathon bombings. Bobkoff is a graduate of Wesleyan University and holds a master's degree from Columbia University.